

A book spread of the book »Littoral« on a bright blue background. A hand is turning the left page. The left page shows two black and white photographs of trees. in the center, at the page fold, a title reads: »Le conservatoire une singularité«. The text sits in the page fold. Running text starts on the right page.

Comissioned by the French ministry of culture, Littoral takes readers on a journey to the coastal regions of France.

In collaboration with Joshua Haymann and Éditions Peuplier.

A book cover shown in perspective. It reads »Littoral« on blue background and features a weather map, visualised by white arrows.A book spread of the book »Littoral« on a bright blue background. The spread shows a text under the headline »Le Littoral imaginaire et politique«. Towards the center there are a photo of a crowded beach with people looking at the sea and an architectural sketch.A detail shot of a book spread. To the left a tiny part of  a photo. In the center the image description. On the right a headline of a text and running text.A book spread of the book »Littoral« on a bright blue background. A page is beaing turned.A book spread of the book »Littoral« on a bright blue background. The spread shows a text under the headline »Roches«. The text that follows is enclosed by two nig photos of rocks on both sides.
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